Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: MacSOUP Manual The text area of f the window is dev vided into two parts: the message headers and the message body You can get from one header to the next by pressing tab or to the previ ious one by pressing shift- -tab To get from the message body back to the first header field you must press command -tab, because simple tab would be inserted into the message text. You will rarely need to type into the Newsgroups: Followup- To: To:, Cc: and Bcc: fields directly, because there san extra feature fhht does 'this for you. You can click on the field labels .g. the pirm to get popup menu of either the subscribed groups or the entries your address book. depending on whether you are composing news article or mail message Whatever you choose from this menu gets appended the respective text field Y ...